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The Fundamental Basis, Evidence Rules and Procedure Mechanism of Dispute Settlement of Forest Property in Mainland China–a New Explanation combined with the Regulations on the Dispute Mediation and Handling of Forest Property in Guangdong Province
作者 王權典
中文摘要 調處山林權屬糾紛涉及山林資源的確權問題,倘若單純地片面強調林權保障方面的法律規範依據,將導致部分爭議案件調處可能陷於無規可循或適用規範錯誤的兩難境地。因而正確認識調處林權糾紛過程中的確權問題,對於公正有效地處理林權矛盾、保障當事人的合法權益乃至社會穩定都有重要作用。我們在中國大陸現行的法律框架、行政及司法體制、政策環境等條件下,若能切實探索適於區域(如廣東)情況的有效調處機制及確權模式,當有現實意義。結合「廣東省林權爭議調解處理條例」創制設計,既可以探討明晰調處林權爭議的事實依據及證據規則,也要出於社會穩定和諧的考量,合理構建林權爭議調處程序機制。
英文摘要 The mediation of mountain forest property dispute in mainland China involves the issue of confirming the proprietorial right of mountain forest resources. If the legal norms of forest property protection are simply emphasized, the mediation of some dispute cases may fall into the dilemma of no laws to follow or wrongly applying them. Therefore, it plays an important role to correctly understand the issue of property confirmation in this kind of dispute, so as to confront and resolve them with justice, as well as to protect the legal rights and interests of the parties and even the social stability. Also, if we can explore the effective mediation mechanism and property-confirming pattern that are suitable for mainland (such as Guangdong) within the current legal framework, administrative and judicial system and policies, it will be significant. Therefore, we attempt to formulate and design a set of rules combining with the Regulations on the Dispute Mediation and Handling of Forest Property in Guangdong Province, so that we can not only discuss and figure out the factual basis and evidence rules of mediation and treatment of forest property disputes, but also reasonably construct the procedure mechanism of mediation and treatment of forest property dispute for the sake of social stability and harmony.
起訖頁 134-147
關鍵詞 林權爭議調處依據證據規則程序機制廣東創制Forest Property DisputeBasis for MediationEvidence RulesProcedure MechanismFormulating Rules in Guangdong
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (環境法特刊期)
DOI 10.3966/10255931201906S01007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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