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Overcoming the Bottleneck of Environmental Problems in Free Trade–The Ecological Environment Legal System Guarantee for Hainan Free Trade Zone
作者 周珂史一舒
中文摘要 海南自由貿易區旨在建立海上絲綢之路的核心樞紐,彰顯了中國大陸擴大對外開放、積極推動經濟全球化的決心。作為一個海島省份,海南自由貿易區的設立必然帶來其經濟的高速增長,相應的生態環境問題需要未雨綢繆。國際上面臨的主要問題是自由貿易與環境保護的緊張關係;國內則主要是生態紅線的劃定與管理問題及南中國海的環境保護問題。中國大陸近年來須有效協調國際自由貿易與環境保護的衝突,並通過建立南中國海特別敏感區制度、完善海南省生態保護紅線制度、加強海南自貿區區域環境合作中的公眾參與等措施實現多主體環境協作共治。
英文摘要 Hainan Free Trade Zone aims to establish a core hub for the Maritime Silk Road, demonstrating China’s determination to expand its opening up and actively promote economic globalization. As an island province, the establishment of the Hainan Free Trade Zone will inevitably bring about rapid economic growth, and the corresponding ecological and environmental problems need to be solved. The main international problem is the tension between free trade and environmental protection; the domestic issues are mainly the delineation and management of ecological red lines and the environmental protection of the South China Sea. In recent years, China has to effectively coordinate the conflicts between international free trade and environmental protection, and use different measures to solve different kinds of problems, such as establishing a system of special sensitive areas in the South China Sea, improving the ecological protection red line system in Hainan Province, and strengthening public participation in regional environmental cooperation in Hainan Free Trade Area, in order to realize multi-center environmental collaboration and governance.
起訖頁 117-133
關鍵詞 海南自貿區一帶一路生態紅線特別敏感區公眾參與Hainan Free Trade ZoneOne Belt One RoadEcological Red LineSpecial Sensitive AreaPublic Participation
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (環境法特刊期)
DOI 10.3966/10255931201906S01006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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