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The Judicial Linkage Study of the Environmental Civil Public Interest Litigation
作者 周珂金銘
中文摘要 中國大陸「訴訟社會」提前到來,法院面臨前所未有的巨大挑戰。法院不能再走「單打獨鬥」的老路,必須開創新的工作方式,才能擺脫當前困境,更好地化解社會矛盾,服務於社會主義法治現代化建設,司法聯動理念應運而生。由於環境問題的嚴峻性,環境司法作為新生司法領域且自身力量薄弱,僅憑環境審判機關的力量難以達到環境保護的最佳效果,環境訴訟的程序亦應當與普通的民事訴訟程序有所不同,因而環境民事公益訴訟的司法聯動尤為必要。本文透過在環境民事公益訴訟領域構建以審判為中心的環境司法聯動「同心圓」制度,來落實環境民事公益訴訟的司法聯動。該制度主要體現為四個嵌套式的「同心圓」,分別為環境審判機關內部聯動、環境司法內部聯動、環境司法外部聯動以及環境司法與多元糾紛解決聯動,均以審判為中心,而「半徑」範圍各不相同,因而合併稱之為「同心圓」制度。
英文摘要 The People’s Republic of China’s “litigation society” has arrvied earlier, causing unprecedented challenges to the court. The court shall not continue its “going it alone” approach anymore, and shall initiate new working styles to break away from current obstacles, better resolve social contradictions, and serve the modernization of socialismbased rule of law, which subsequently lead to the birth of judicial linkage. Due to the severity of environmental problems and the position of environmental justice as a cutttingedge area with weak self-power, it’s challenging to optimize the environmental protection impact only with the input from environmental judicial agencies. In addition, the proceedings of environmental litigations shall be different from that of regular civil litigations, therefore the judicial linkage of the environmental civil public interest litigations becomes particularly essential. This article aims to implement such judicial linkage by establishing a judgement-centric “concentric circles” system in the environmental civil public interest litigations. The said system is comprised of four “concentric circles”, including the environmental judicial agencies’ internal linkages, environmental justice’s internal and external linkages, and the linkage of the environmental justice and dynamic dispute resolutions, which are all judgment-centric with different scopes of “radius” and are thus collectively referred to as the “concentric circles” system.
起訖頁 106-116
關鍵詞 環境民事公益訴訟司法聯動環境審判Environmental Civil Public Interest LitigationJudicial LinkageEnvironmental Judicial Judgment
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (環境法特刊期)
DOI 10.3966/10255931201906S01005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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