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22nd Conference of the Parties (Marrakesh) of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: a Meeting Prior to Deadlines
作者 許耀明
中文摘要 在氣候變遷框架公約第21次締約方大會通過巴黎協議後,第22次締約方大會(COP22)之議程基本上討論相關此一恰於締約方會議召開前生效之新條約的運作與實踐細節。COP22於此扮演階段性會議之角色。關於前述條約之具體施行將於2020年起,而相關決定必須於2018年做出。廣義而言,COP22必須維持與具體化巴黎協議之發展。此一締約方會議亦將提供各國新的機會,以展現其新的野心、其各自國家貢獻,包括在2020年前所欲規劃者。從此觀察,實有一定之急迫性。
英文摘要 After the adoption of the Paris Agreement by the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the agenda of the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22) basically discusses the details of the operation and practice of this new treaty, which is in force before the Conference of the Parties. COP22 plays the role of an intermediate conference here. The specific implementation of the aforementioned treaty will begin in 2020 and the relevant decisions must be made by 2018. Broadly speaking, COP22 must maintain the development of Paris agreement and must specify all details. This COP will also provide new opportunities for countries to demonstrate their new ambitions and their individual national determined contributions, including relevant programming before 2020. From this observation, there is a certain urgency.
起訖頁 29-38
關鍵詞 環境與永續發展永續發展氣候變遷第22 次締約方大會國際法Environment & Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentClimate ChangeCOP 22International Law
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (環境法特刊期)
DOI 10.3966/10255931201906S01002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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