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Tort Law: Private Law or Public Law
作者 簡資修
中文摘要 非契約之事後損害賠償法,在臺灣稱「侵權行為法」,在中國大陸稱「侵權責任法」。侵權行為法意味了損害賠償責任是來自於責任人自己之行為,而侵權責任法則意味了損害賠償責任是來自於法律之分配。前者,私法自治之實現;後者,國家統制之展現。不過,在臺灣,過失被客觀化,以致於過失責任之私法自治意涵被遮蔽;在中國大陸,其過錯責任甚至在觀念上不區分主觀的過失與客觀的不法,而「無過錯責任」也出現,則私法自治稀釋殆盡矣。
英文摘要 Tort law in Taiwan is conduct-based while in China is law-based. Negligence is a state of mind in private law whereas negligence is mingled with unlawfulness in public law. However, the objectification of negligence in practice of Taiwan’s tort law also obscures the private law nature of tort law. A unified theory of tort law based on conduct and therefore on autonomy will be developed.
起訖頁 81-102
關鍵詞 侵權法過錯責任嚴格責任私法自治國家統制Tort LawNegligenceStrict LiabilityPrivate LawPublic Law
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (289期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312019060289006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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