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Sheep Get Lost in Bifurcated Roads-Some Remarks on the New Law on Constitutional Procedure
作者 蘇永欽
中文摘要 新通過的「憲法訴訟法」是對現行「司法院大法官審理案件法」的全文修正,不能只從司法化的角度去概括,重點毋寧更在於規範密度的提高,並統整為較易操作的體例。在民主憲政發展已進入深水區的此刻,修法目的更在於提高大法官行使職權的效能,並填補實務上已呈現的規範漏洞。就此較為可惜的是,效能問題的處理只到下調大法官評決的門檻為止,並未正視理由書的評議耗時過長的問題,隨著解釋文的主文化,大法官的解釋憲法職能全由理由書承擔,此一問題可能更形嚴重。至於規範漏洞的判斷,捨法律審查的長期延滯而就本已可由各終審法院戮力承擔的裁判憲法審查,不僅將影響大法官整體效能,還會嚴重扭曲司法體系內部原本穩妥的分權,恐怕是最大敗筆。
英文摘要 The amendment of the Law on Grand Justices’ Adjudication of cases is intended not so much to further judicialization of the institution of constitutional interpretation, but to enhance the density and systematization of its procedural rules. This reform also tries to improve the efficiency by lifting outdated barriers. The quorum rule is thus changed from 2/3 majority to simple majority. But another problem with the formality of judgment, including the verdict and its reasoning, is neglected. The extension of Grand Justices’ reviewing power from norms to individual case judgments not only induces serious crowding out effect to its core functions, but also twists the basic division of work between Grand Justices and the other Highest Courts. On the other hand the new legislation has underestimated the cost of delay to redress unconstitutional laws, leaving the rigid rule of exhaustion of court instances untouched.
起訖頁 5-36
關鍵詞 司法化表決門檻憲法解釋裁判憲法審查JudicializationQuorumConstitutional InterpretationConstitutional Review of Case Judgment
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201905 (288期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312019050288001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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