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Administrative Act 2.0 (II): Institutional Apparatus and Systematical Concept of the Legal States
作者 李建良
中文摘要 現代國家莫不標榜依法而治,所謂法治國家的表裡形貌由不同層次規範與多重制度系統交織而成。行政處分或具體的行政行為是建構行政法秩序的基本元素,古今中外皆然,殆可謂「凡有行政,即有處分」。「2.0」是數位時代的時髦語彙,以之標誌行政處分,設題論說,除了彰顯科技進化外,是否蘊含前瞻的視野與進步的思想,或增強深潛縝密的法律邏輯與法治理念的深耕內化?本文嘗試以制度工具與秩序理念為分析主軸,依序探討行政處分的理念源流、概念形成、制度功能與法治反思,期能透過對行政處分的系統性論述與全景式觀照,為臺灣法治國原則的落實,建立周整的思維通路與實踐取徑。
英文摘要 The modern legal states consist of the different levels of norms and the multiple institutions. The administrative act should be the basic element and the construction principle of the legal states. With the concept “Administrative Act 2.0”, this paper explores the genesis, evolution and institutional functions of the administrative act. And finally it tries to provide some reflections and forward-looking perspectives for the implementation of the rule of law.
起訖頁 141-164
關鍵詞 行政處分法治國原則制度工具秩序理念行政程序行政訴訟Administrative ActRule of LawInstitutional ApparatusSystematical ConceptAdministrative ProcedureAdministrative Litigation
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201807 (278期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312018070278006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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