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Comments on the Rental Market Development and Administration Act: Focusing on Bettering the Rental Relationship Law
作者 陳冠甫
中文摘要 我國立法者對於租賃法制之青睞度,較諸其他不動產法規相比,顯然比較消極,然居住權利的議題,日漸上升。考量到社會經濟弱勢,有居住需求的弱勢承租人抑或是在外地求職的異鄉遊子、求學的莘莘學子等族群,可能潛在都面臨到租賃糾紛。而租屋市場較之不動產買賣交易市場,因為資訊更為不透明。以往國家政策認為租賃屬於私法契約自由的問題,較不積極性的介入。但近年有關惡房東坑殺房客、惡房客拒絕搬遷、拒絕繳納租金的新聞日漸趨多。又傳統房屋租賃租金的標的相較於一般典型的財產權訴訟案件為低,導致租賃糾紛在法院訴訟的實踐上,受到權利侵害之一方,消極性的不願主張司法救濟。國家亦未如同消費者保護政策上進行一定的政策管制,進而形成嚴重的社會問題。在民主先進國家,人民居住權的議題日漸受到重視,在房屋價格高漲的時代,租金指數也是日益攀升,而我國對於租賃問題僅有於民法與土地法條文中有所規範,但均僅有部分章節及條文的規範,而未有呼應現代居住需求的體系性專法。為維護人民居住權,健全租賃住宅市場,保障租賃當事人權益,我國於2017年11月28日通過「租賃住宅市場發展及管理條例」(下稱「租賃專法」)。本文擬先提出租賃專法中,較為重要的修法特色,接著就個別新修法的條文加以評析後提出條文解釋適用時的疑慮,以及新法上路後與現行制度的比較評述,最後提供租賃住宅法規政策上之建議與觀察心得。
英文摘要 Our legislators have paid much less attention to the rental law regime than to other real estate laws. However, the issues of residence right are increasing in numbers. nderprivileged tenants or people working and studying overseas all can possibly encounter potential tenancy disputes due to their socio-economic disadvantages. The information of rental market is less transparent compared to which of the real estate trading market. National policies in the past regarded tenancy as an issue of freedom of contract and would only inactively intervene. Nonetheless, recently there has been more media coverage regarding landlords’ and tenants’ vicious behaviors, including refusal to vacate and pay rent. Additionally, a tenancy claim traditionally has a smaller amount of damage compared to which of a property right litigation, therefore the victim will be less active in seeking judicial relief. Also, the government doesn’t have as much regulatory scrutiny for such issue as on the consumer protection, thus severe social problems are caused accordingly. In developed countries, the right of residence has been gradually emphasized. In the era of skyrocketing housing prices, the real estate rental index is getting higher as well. In Taiwan, the tenancy issues are only addressed in the of Civil Code and the Land Act without a special law that responds to the modern residential needs. To ensure people’s rights of residence and better the rental market, the “Rental Market Development and Administration Act (hereinafter the Residential Tenancy Law)” is passed on November 28th, 2017. This article plans to identify those more important features in the Residential Tenancy Law, followed by raising concerns on applying the newly-amended provisions, comparison between the new legislation and the current practice, and advice on the rental laws and policies.
起訖頁 48-63
關鍵詞 租賃專法住宅租賃契約自由實價登錄資訊揭露Residential Tenancy LawRental HousingFreedom of ContractActual Price RegistrationInformation Disclosure
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201806 (277期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312018060277003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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