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Overview “Rental Housing Market Development and Management Act”
作者 姚志明
中文摘要 因現行法規之不完善,租賃住宅市場衍生諸多問題。立法者為解決住宅市場之紛爭,因而研訂本條例,作為租賃住宅市場之依據。為幫助讀者對本條例之立法重點能在短時間得以有所認識,故本文採取精簡方式論述,而本文之論述重點乃在於本條與現行法規(如民法、土地法)之主要異同。因而,本論文乃以承租人與出租人間之權利義務關係為論述中心,至於專業住宅管理之規定,尚有主管機關行政管理之議題,此則不在本文討論之範圍,待日後有機會再擇文探討。
英文摘要 The current rental housing market has many problems due to incomplete regulations. Legislators have enacted this Act to resolve disputes in the existing residential market. In order to help readers to quickly understand the legislative focus of the Regulations and avoid excessive space, the argument in this paper focuses on the large differences between this article and the existing regulations (such as civil law and land law). It helps readers to implement this Regulation in the future. Focus on attention. Therefore, the dissertation is based on the discussion of the rights and obligations between the lessee and the lessor. The provisions for professional housing management are beyond the scope of this article.
起訖頁 5-25
關鍵詞 住宅租賃轉租押金消費關係終止House RentalSubleaseDepositConsumer RelationshipTermination
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201806 (277期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312018060277001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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