篇名 | 一般行為自由與一般人格權作為憲法保障之基本權 |
並列篇名 | General Behavior Freedom and General Personality Rights as Fundamental Rights Protected by the Constitution |
作者 | 張永明 |
中文摘要 | 一般行為自由與一般人格權係源自德國法之概念,我國司法院大法官透過憲法第二二條概括保障條款之解釋,在釋憲個案中陸續建構出此類之新興人權,對於身處快速變化、價值觀多元之現代國民而言,意義非凡,具有補足憲法有限規定造成保障疏漏之功能,值得肯定。在廣泛承認人民享有這兩類基本權之保障下,可以強化要求國家對於人民採取干預措施時,應具備正當化之理由,相關之衝突利益權衡由大法官執掌,可避免國家以維護公共利益之名,限縮少數人自由發展人格之空間。然而,在承認新型態之一般行為自由或一般人格權時,若涉及國家必須積極創設新制度方能落實者,則應審慎,以免造成少數人與團體之價值觀陷於重大之衝突,而徒生紛擾。 |
英文摘要 | The concepts of general behavior freedom and general personality rights originated from German law and have been embodied in individual cases by the Justices through interpretation of Article 22 of the Constitution, which is greatly meaningful for modern citizens living in a fast-changing and diversified world as well as applaudable for making up for the deficiency of Constitution’s limited regulations. By recognizing citizens’ such rights, we can request justification more actively in the event of government’s intervention. In addition, by empowering the Justice with the interest-balancing discretion, government will be prevented from restricting the minority’s free development of personality in the name of ensuring public welfare. Nonetheless, more caution should be taken when recognizing such rights will involve government’s active establishment of new systems so as to avoid severe values conflicts between the minority and the rest of citizens. |
起訖頁 | 28-46 |
關鍵詞 | 一般行為自由、一般人格權、人性尊嚴保障、自由發展人格、權利衝突、General Behavior Freedom、General Personality Rights、Protection of Human Dignity、Free Development of Personality、Conflicts of Rights |
刊名 | 月旦法學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201802 (273期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102559312018020273002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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