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Bill to Amend Electricity Act: Who Pays?
作者 黃士修
中文摘要 二○一七年一月十一日,立法院三讀通過電業法,堪稱五十年以來對於電力市場架構與電業管理制度之最大變革。然而,本法從一開始提出修正草案的階段,就充滿程序與內容上的嚴重瑕疵,修訂過程中更出現政治力介入,無視法案條文仍有爭議,為了宣示改革而強行通過修法,造成本法修正後歷經九個月毫無實質效果的現狀。本文將回顧電業法之修法過程,以法案中的諸多錯誤作為反面案例,釐清電業自由化在本法中扮演的角色,並試圖給出分階段進行電力市場改革的建議。

英文摘要 January 11, 2017, the Legislative Yuan passed the electricity act, claimed the largest change in the electricity market structure and management system over the past fifty years. However, this act from the beginning to propose amendments in the draft stage, was full of serious flaws in the procedure and content. The revision process with political intervention, ignoring the bill is still controversial, in order to declare the reform and forced through the amendment, resulting in this act has no real effects after nine months of revision. This paper reviews the amendment process of the Electricity Act, many errors in this act as a negative case, clarify the role of Electricity liberalization, and try to give a phased approach to the reform of the electricity market.
起訖頁 44-54
關鍵詞 電業法電力市場電業自由化再生能源發展條例Electricity ActElectricity MarketElectricity LiberalizationRenewable Energy Development Act
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201711 (270期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017110270003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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