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A Comparative Study on Japan's 'Intervention' System: The Court Should Establish a Victim Stand
作者 林裕順
中文摘要 二○一七年五月十三日,總統府司法改革「國是會議」就「建構維護被害人尊嚴的刑事司法」議題決議:對於重大犯罪被害人應避免其受到二次傷害,同時刑事程序亦該反映被害人觀點、意見。亦即,本次國是會議突破歷來司改窠臼呼應國際思潮,提出被害權益保障、尊嚴維護之政策規劃建議。本文參考日本被害人訴訟參加等規範運用,提出未來應有的司改策略,包括:刑事程序被害人保護措施、提供被害人程序資訊、被害人訴訟參加、被害人之賠償救濟等。
英文摘要 On May 13th, 2017, the Judicial Reform ’National Affairs Conference’ of Presidential Office concluded that, to ’establish victim-dignity-honored criminal justice’, we should prevent victims of severe crimes from secondary victimization, and reflect their viewpoints in criminal procedures. That is to say, the Conference responded to international trend and proposed policy suggestions that protect victim’s interests and dignities. This article refers to Japan’s victim intervention system and offers practical future judicial reform strategy, including: victim protection measures in criminal procedures, victim’s access to procedural information, victim’s intervention and damage relief.
起訖頁 38-50
關鍵詞 被害人保護被害人訴訟參加資訊獲悉損害賠償命令Victim ProtectionIntervention of VictimAccess to InformationDamage Payment Order
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201710 (269期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017100269003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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