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Modernization of Shareholder’s Rights and the Shareholders’ Meeting
作者 陳彥良
中文摘要 目前實務上股東權保障不足,股東會亂象叢生,民間委員會修法建議新制重點就股東會而言:修正增進股東參與股東會之權利,強化資訊揭露義務,給股東更多知的權利,減少不必要之程序限制並緩和股東與董事會間之衝突;針對公開發行與非公開發行公司之不同實務需求,區分適用規範;適度放寬法律制度強制規定,允許公司章程自治,由公司彈性選擇。就股東權而言:除了調整股東查閱權行使之要件、查閱之標的範圍,並新增股東聲請法院命公司合法提供資訊之救濟制度;並合理化股東提起代位訴訟之門檻與提訴股東之責任。也期待政府能大刀闊斧改革股東會亂象,並使得新制能落實股東權保障與提升公司治理
英文摘要 Investors who purchase corporate stock enjoy a number of rights pertaining to their ownership. Owners of a corporation generally do not run the company. Shareholders in a corporation are shielded from personal liability for the debts and obligations of the corporation. However, shareholders can lose their investments should the corporation fail. This article, first of all, is going to introduce and analyze the protection of Shareholder’s Rights in the Taiwan company act for its original thought, principal goal and major content. Then this research will introduce the legal framework of shareholders’ Meeting in Taiwan and the main problems in Taiwan. This article concludes by pointing out that Taiwan should find its own version of the legal System of shareholder’s rights and corporate governance for its next generation.
起訖頁 45-58
關鍵詞 股東會股東權公司治理Shareholder RightShareholder MeetingCorporate Governance
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201709 (268期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017090268004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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