  1. 熱門:
  2. 憲法訴願
  3. 公司法修正
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From Deregulation and Disclosure to Rewriting the Company Act: Review and Suggestions Concerning Fund Raising, Distribution and Disclosure
作者 朱德芳
中文摘要 現行公司法存在兩大問題:一是「以強行規定為主,大型企業為規範藍本」,二是「資訊不透明、權責不清」,導致公司法不但無法成為產業轉型與創新創業的助力,反而不當增加中小企業營運的成本;資訊不透明,也使企業遵法意識低落,進而影響交易安全、增加糾紛。 修法委員會提出公司法全盤修正的兩大方向:管制鬆綁與公開透明。此兩者互為表裡,缺一不可,過去片段式的修法,不僅無法達到修法效益,甚至增加糾紛。以籌資規範為例,管制鬆綁後,必須同步完善資訊揭露、董監事責任與公司治理機制,以及強化少數股東之保障,使市場參與者能在有序的情況下,進行設計規劃,不讓少數濫用制度者,破壞市場秩序,造成市場整體籌資成本的增加。 本文聚焦籌資、分配與股東及債權人保護,以及資訊揭露與大小公司分級等三大議題,除分析現行法之不足外,並提出修法建議。
英文摘要 The main problems under the Taiwan Company Act include: first, mandatory rules instead of default rules dominate the Company Act and therefore impose unreasonable burdens to SMEs; second, the main parts of the Company Act were introduced 50 years ago and cannot meet the need under the new economy era. The Steering Committee for Rewrite of the Taiwan Company Act therefor suggests two main principle for the rewrite: deregulation and disclosure. This paper focus on issues concerning fund raising, distribution and disclosure and provides suggestions for amendments.
起訖頁 5-16
關鍵詞 閉鎖性公司限制員工權利新股無面額股特別股減資股份買回盈餘分配償付能力測試公司大小分級Closely Held CorporationEmployee Restricted SharesNon-par SharesPreference SharesCapital ReductionShare RepurchaseDivided DistributionInsolvency Test
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201709 (268期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017090268001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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