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作者 陳肇鴻
中文摘要 本文簡要分析保護金融消費者不同之管制手段,首先,不同種類的金融產品會有不同保障的需求,應有不同的應對方式;其次,資訊揭露及落實對個戶之適當性判斷,應仍為金融消費者保護之主要手段,對未落實合規之金融機構固應予以懲處,但對未盡自我注意即任意投資之消費者,亦不應過度保護,以避免不必要之道德風險;其三,事先的產品審查未必有效果,不當的審查會過度限制市場發展,亦僅會增加規範套利的機會,值立法者深思。
英文摘要 This study aims to explore under what academic background the studies of design culture emerged from the development of design history. In the 1990s, research groups focusing on design challenged the academic dominance of design history, thus, it was necessary to re-establish its legitimacy. Moreover, the long-term interaction between design history and cultural studies, anthropology, science, technology, and society (STS), have laid a knowledge foundation for such reform. The research interests and main concerns of design culture are clarified through demonstrating the theoretical relation between design history and related theories. In reality, modern design has extended to border areas to become a part of people’s daily life in the wave of globalization. Design artifacts have continued to advance to other research fields: such as visual, product, interior design, etc., which integrates and reconstructs the professional division. Using visual cultural research as the method, design culture tries to exceed the limit of visual- centrism to break the dividing line of images, products, and interiors, and form a new research frame and topic by combining the theoretical viewpoint of humanities and social sciences, including culture research, anthropology/consumption study, STS, etc., with emphasis on three aspects- (designer and design discourse) value creation, production of creativity, and consumption practice. Thus, design culture not only crosses the boundaries of design history to advance with the time, but also enhances academic vitality, which becomes complex in order to respond Neoliberalism in reality.
起訖頁 156-164
關鍵詞 金融消費者保護資訊揭露適當性原則適合度產品介入
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201707 (266期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017070266010  複製DOI  DOI申請

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