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作者 許政賢
中文摘要 我國消保法上的團體訴訟,一方面係對同一原因致眾多消費者受害的案例,設計由消保團體代為起訴的機制,以避免因分散審理而耗費不必要司法資源;另一方面係針對小額損害的不特定消費者,考量可能因所受損害不大或舉證困難等問題,致怯於提起需耗費相當時間、精力的訴訟,乃基於制衡企業經營者不當作為之公益考量,運用消保團體力量以達規範目的。以近年來多起與食品安全衛生相關的團體訴訟為例,其中涉及數千名消費者的權益,但判決結果卻與原告請求落差頗大,似有影響民眾對司法信任之虞,箇中原因頗值探討。
英文摘要 Universal Design (UD) evolves over time and with changes in industries. UD scales are utilized in different fields as universally universal scale and are generally utilized to post-event evaluations, which results in add-on features in practice. Screwdriver was chosen as an example by its category. According to user experience investigation and literature review, factor analysis was utilized to develop proper UD scale, and results indicated 7 principles which equitableness was still the primary. Functionality was essential for hand tools. Product operation conformed to user experience was the next which showed the importance of psychological concerns. UD evaluation items should be varied from one to another compared with general items. Product characters were critical in hand tools’ evaluations. Experience and commercial value turned to be essential features in social development. The user evaluations were converted into design factors by Quantification Theory Type I for verification, and users’ UD evaluations improved significantly.
起訖頁 132-155
關鍵詞 消費訴訟消保團體訴訟塑化劑事件食用油品事件
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201707 (266期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017070266009  複製DOI  DOI申請

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