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中文摘要 公用地役關係是三方關係,應尋求三方利益均衡,而不應僅凸顯其中一方。既然公用地役關係已被肯定為特別犧牲,政府也被要求應積極處理補償事宜,則不應潛意識的基於現實上補償遙不可及,而傾向於藉由嚴格解釋法定要件,提高公用地役關係之成立門檻,以刻意壓抑居民通行權益與公眾通行需求。而且,此種偏狹之觀點也忽略了,公用地役關係是建立在長期和平、自願形成的通行狀態之上,通行權的維護其實僅係長時間已然存在現狀的保留,得類推適用時效取得地上權制度,有其正當性基礎。在最高行政法院「樹林區現有巷道案」與「貢寮區現有巷道案」中,吾人察覺到終審法院實務見解之調整,在判斷是否「不特定公眾通行所必要」時,已納入道路之社會功能元素,這樣的看法似已逐漸成為該法院穩定之見解,筆者樂見其成。
英文摘要 Based on the theme “Social Design,” 2015 Taipei Design and City Exhibition intended to evoke the discussion of social design and social consciousness of Taipei. In this study, the author firstly explored the development of social design theories. Then the officially announced core values of the 2015 Taipei Design and City Exhibition were examined from the exhibition and events. Several characteristics and problems were discussed: the human-centered and social integrative emphasis, the way to work out social design, public participation and empowerment, as well as the limit on sustainable practice. Besides, “100 Social Design Proposals” competition was discussed from aspects of the issues and people concerned, and the extent to which the resolution proposed aimed at. Finally, suggestions were offered, including (1) the need to generate strategies that cultivated public participation; (2) a comprehensive plan for assuring sustainable practice; (3) more emphasis on the strategy to changing the mindset and to begin with dialogue among the professionals, the government and citizens from the grass-root communities; (4) cross-sector, multidisciplinary collaboration in order to carry out social design.
起訖頁 107-122
關鍵詞 現有巷道公用地役關係不特定公眾通行所必要
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201707 (266期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017070266007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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