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Restoration from Break: On the Justice’s Explanation of Interpretation No. 748
作者 葉光洲
中文摘要 釋字第七四八號解釋認定現行民法一男一女的婚姻制度違憲,並認為同性二人可在立法懈怠一定期間後,直接前往戶政機關為婚姻的登記,該號解釋固然完全採取同性運動者主張,以憲法高度建立臺灣出現亞洲第一的同性婚姻制度,但解釋內容背離一般國民感情與對婚姻制度的認知,崩解三權分立原則,以及造成婚姻家庭、性別與配偶等相關概念在我國法律體系中的不確定性。惟就法論法,只有接受此一解釋內容,且贊成與反對雙方能秉持理性溝通,同理對方感受,方有可能建立符合釋字第七四八號解釋方向的婚姻家庭制度。

Interpretation No. 748 explained that the current civil law of a man and a woman’s marriage system is unconstitutional, and that the same sex, after a certain period of legislation slack, can directly to the household registration office for marriage registration. Although the explanation completely take the homosexuals advocate, with the height of the constitution to establish Taiwan’s first same-sex marriage system in Asia, the explained contents still deviate from the general national feelings and the understanding of the marriage system, disintegrate the separation of powers principles, and cause the uncertainty of marriage and family, gender and spouse and other related concepts in Taiwan’s legal system. However, on the law, only that accept this explanation, and two sides hold rational communication to emphasize the other feelings, is possible to establish a marriage and family system conforming to the direction of Interpretation No. 748.

起訖頁 87-92
關鍵詞 同性婚姻三權分立代理孕母修復式婚姻Same-Sex MarriageSeparation of PowersSurrogate MothersRestorative Marriage
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201707 (266期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017070266005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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