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Reviewing and Redesigning the Post-Experimentation Phase of Taiwan’s Financial Regulatory Sandbox Regime
作者 彭金隆臧正運
中文摘要 為因應金融科技發展與鼓勵創新潮流,政府提出「金融科技創新實驗條例」草案,該法案係建構金融科技監理制度關鍵性一步。本文以該法案內容為主要評析範圍,從監理沙盒適用對象的探討出發,並就我國金融科技創新實驗之落地機制構建,提供具體方案與條文修正建議。就監理沙盒適用對象而言,雖就規範實質與政策目的觀之,應是針對非金融業者所設,然考量制度運作彈性,同時納入金融及非金融業者亦無不可。另有關出沙盒後之落地機制,現行法案規劃確有未盡完善之處,本文建議應就金融業與非金融業之不同特性分別增訂明確之落地條款,且對非金融業申請人得依其申請業務性質採差異化執照管理方式,以落實監理沙盒之目的。
英文摘要 Taiwan is among the world’s first countries to implement financial regulatory sandbox by legislation. The proposed FinTech Innovation Experimentation Bill is now being reviewed by the Legislative Yuan, and is expected to have significant impact on the country’s financial market and FinTech ecosystem. The Bill focuses mainly on how to conduct the experimentation per se rather than on how to enable the sandbox entity to continue to engage in the tested innovative activity/business after the experimentation is completed and proved to be successful. This paper reviews the post-experimentation arrangement set forth by the Bill, and argues the need for implementing a tiered licensing regime, and for different approaches by financial institutions and FinTech firms to bringing their innovation to life. This paper further proposes to redesign the post-experimentation phase, and suggests necessary amendments to the Bill.
起訖頁 35-51
關鍵詞 監理沙盒金融科技金融科技創新實驗金融監理金融科技監理Regulatory SandboxFinTechFinTech Innovation ExperimentationFinancial RegulationFinTech Regulation
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201707 (266期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017070266002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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