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The Past, Present and Future of Disaster Prevention and Protection Act ──By Discussing the Type of Disaster Prevention Practice and the Disaster Prevention Organization, Which Were Amended in 2016
作者 周佳宥
中文摘要 臺灣由於其所處地理位置,一直以來多受天然災害侵擾,一九九五年之前始終未有一部完整法律以規範行政部門之防災與救災任務,僅依靠行政命令及散見於各機關管轄之個別法規來從事災害防救事務。直至一九九五年,參考日本災害對策基本法及美國史塔佛法案等世界先進國家之災害防救相關法制,擬定臺灣災害防救法草案,但災害防救議題始終未獲重視。經歷一九九九年九二一大地震後,由於人民生命財產遭逢嚴重傷亡及損失,才迫使政府正視建構其從事災害防救行政之法律基礎,並於二○○○年七月十九日公布施行。截至目前為止,災害防救法共歷經六次修正,最近一次修法於二○一六年四月十三日完成。針對最新修法內容,本文擬以災防業務內容之變化與災防組織為討論範圍,檢討此次修法之內容。
英文摘要 This Research described critical reform of disaster management organizations was introduced and concentrated on the 13.04.2016 amendment. Industrial pipeline disaster and Biological disaster are added to the system of disaster management. But this legislation is contrary to the trend, because the “All hazard Approach” is considered a scientific method to avoid the disaster. The second Research results said that the Disaster Prevention and Protection organization has to be reformed, which aims to dissolve the township office organization.
起訖頁 76-87
關鍵詞 災害防救法災害防救組織災害任務Industrial Pipeline DisasterBiological DisasterAll Hazard Approach
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201611 (258期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312016110258005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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