篇名 | 巨災風險與社會風險管理──以地震災害與保險機制為例 |
並列篇名 | Catastrophe Risk and Society Risk Management a Study on Earthquake and Insurance Mechanism in Taiwan |
作者 | 汪信君 |
中文摘要 | 本文以社會風險管理理論為基礎,概述如何面對巨災風險以及如何辨識、選擇與執行相對應風險管理措施,並進一步以目前國內保險機制為主軸,論述此次臺南○二○六震災過後,於現有住宅地震保險關於保險給付對象所突顯之問題及應行改善方向。於地震保險機制中常見所有權人、抵押權人與承租人三者間利益優先劣後之取捨。但在地震保險提供社會基本保障之前提下,受限於民法學說爭議與保險實務運作之困境,反而以抵押權人為優先、次而為所有權人,於經濟地位上居為最弱勢之承租人最不為該機制所保障,尤有調整之必要。 |
英文摘要 | Living in this risk society, human activities increase the severity and the frequency of the natural disaster e.g., typhoons, flood, earthquake, and tsunami. Scientific evident shows that the intensification of extreme weather events can be linked to greenhouse gases caused by human activities. Furthermore, the collapse of Wei-Kuan building complex in Tainan is under investigation and might be found that the structural design problems and poor construction quality are the main factors in this event. How we can manage risks and what governments should cope with these tasks are crucial and complex. Based on the societal risk management, this article will introduce the fundamentals of catastrophe risk management and the role of government in risk society. Using 0206 Tainan Earthquake as a case study, we will discuss the current earthquake insurance scheme and come up with a proposal to reform Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance. |
起訖頁 | 61-75 |
關鍵詞 | 風險社會、巨災風險、風險管理、地震保險、代位、Risk Socieity、Catastrophe Risk、Risk Management、Earthquake Insurance、Subrogation |
刊名 | 月旦法學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201611 (258期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102559312016110258004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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