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South China Sea Arbitration and Protection of Marine Environment
作者 許耀明
中文摘要 本文從菲律賓訴中國大陸之南海仲裁案出發,討論該案中關於海洋環境保護之相關法律問題。本案仲裁庭認為,中國大陸漁民對於瀕臨絕種之物種進行捕撈,以及中國大陸在南沙群島所進行之建設開發行為,造成海洋環境之破壞,且缺乏適當之環境影評估。此外,中國大陸於美濟礁開發行為,則侵害菲律賓於其經濟海域與大陸礁層之主權權利。本案乃國際間第一次針對海洋法公約中關於海洋環境保護之相關規定進行具體闡釋與適用,其將構成日後各國實踐海洋環境保護義務之重要指標。
英文摘要 Based on the PCA South China Sea Arbitration case, this article discusses relevant disputes about the protection of marine environment. The tribunal considers that the harmful fishing practices and harvesting of endangered species under the jurisdiction and control of China and China’s construction activities on seven reefs in the Spratly Islands, caused damages to marine environment and thus breached relevant provision of the 1982 UNCLOS. Besides, the China’s occupation and construction activities on Mischief Reef also breached the UNCLOS with respect to the Philippines’ sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. For the first time, the relevant provisions for marine environment protection in the UNCLOS have been interpreted and applied. This case will be guiding jurisprudence for future states practices for marine environment protection.
起訖頁 34-42
關鍵詞 南海仲裁海洋環境國際環境法South China Sea ArbitrationMarine Environment
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201609 (256期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312016090256004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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