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Function of the Comparative Law and Its relationship with the Administrative Law
作者 陳清秀
中文摘要 比較法之功能,包括涉外法律之適用、內國法律秩序之改善,各國共通法之建立以及法學理論發展之改善。其中主要功能在於法學理論之充實與發展、立法過程中立法政策之參考、法律解釋適用過程中之參考,事件本質之發現與掌握,法律價值理念之導入以及法理之引用。透過比較法之研究,逐漸建立全球化的統一法律秩序。比較法的運用,也應考量各國社會經濟文化環境之差異、基礎法律思想(如資本主義與社會主義)之差異、法律體系構造之差異、問題本質之差異、執法能力與守法能力之差異,而有其適用上界限。我國國家賠償法、行政程序法、行政訴訟法以及行政罰法等重要行政法規,均參考仿效外國立法例甚多。可見比較法研究之重要性。
英文摘要 The function of comparative law includes the application of foreign law, improvement of the domestic legal order, the establishment of the common law of differen States and the improvement of legal theory development.
The main function is to enrich and develop the theory of the law, refer to legislative policy in the legislative process, refer to the interpretation of the law, find the essence of the legal issues, import fundamental values of law and refer to legal principle.
Through study of comparative law, people could gradually establish a unified legal order of globalization.
The use of comparative law, it should consider the differences in national socio-economic and cultural environment, the differences in the legal basis of ideological (such as capitalism and socialism), the difference between the legal structure of the system, the differences in the nature of the problem, the differences law enforcement capacity and the ability, so there is limit on its application.
Taiwan imitate foreign legislation about State Compensation Law, Administrative Procedure Law, Administrative Litigation Law and the Administrative Punishment Law and other important administrative regulations, reference to emulate foreign legislation cases are many.
The importance of the study of comparative law is visible.
起訖頁 69-90
關鍵詞 比較法行政法法律解釋詮釋學法律實證主義Comparative LawAdministrative LawInterpritation of LawHermeneutics of LawLegal Positivism
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201606 (253期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312016060253007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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