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On Landed Refugees: Principle of Non-refoulement and Act on Refugees
作者 翁燕菁
中文摘要 不遣返原則已成為國際習慣法,亦為國際核心人權公約之禁止酷刑條款所保障。國家有義務保障庇護之請求權,即使並無庇護之給付義務。臺灣或許並非大規模難民潮的目的地,然對於抵達或已進入領土者,欠缺尋求庇護之程序保障。除儘速通過難民法之外,行政權實有其餘選項落實不遣返原則,司法亦可能透過憲法與兩公約解釋相關規範,在兼顧打擊人口販運與保障國境安全的同時,避免臺灣持續違反相關國際義務。
英文摘要 The principle of non-refoulement has become a norm of customary international law, protected under the prohibition of torture clause of core human rights treaties. States are accountable for ensuring the right to seek asylum, without the obligation to grant asylum. Taiwan might not be the destination of massive refugee influx. However, for individual asylum seekers landing on or having entered the territory, the lack of procedural guarantee is evident.  Besides adoption of a refugee act, the executive branch actually has other options to implement non-refoulement principle, and the judicial branch can also interpret existing norms in concordance with the Constitution and international covenants. It is possible for Taiwan to comply with international obligations without compromising the fight against human trafficking and the defence of national security.
起訖頁 158-170
關鍵詞 難民法不遣返原則尋求庇護者國家積極義務國際習慣法 Act on Refugee StatusPrinciple of Non-refoulementAsylum SeekersPositive ObligationsCustomary International Law
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201603 (250期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312016030250010  複製DOI  DOI申請

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