篇名 | 敘事與正義的地方性知識──臺灣人法意識與法律空間的民族誌 |
並列篇名 | Narrative and Justice of Local Knowledge in Taiwan: An Ethnographic Study on Legal Consciousness and Legal Space |
作者 | 王曉丹 |
中文摘要 | 法律或權利跨越空間(space),於在地(place)的日常生活產生何種社會作用?本文採取法文化「深層描繪」(deep description)的詮釋性研究。本文發現,權利意識在既有的「法律感知」(legal sensibility)下,造成人際互動中是否為「自己人」的劃界與排除行動。本文詮釋此種「法律感知」深層法文化,包括人我難分、虛實交錯的法意識(簡化法律、裝扮法律、聲稱法律),以及雞同鴨講、難以整合的法律空間。而這從人觀 (personhood)的角度來說,可以解釋華人文化從傳統慣習主導,走向人我交換的社會過程。 |
英文摘要 | This article applies an ethnographic approach, using “deep description”, to analyze one case in Taiwan and explain the act of imagining the real, or what Geertz called “legal sensibility”. It finds that in situations of conflict, the process of story-telling is a constant struggle between facts and norms. The deep logic behind this is the identification that divides people into those who are “one of us” and those who are not. Specifically, the demarcation of “one of us” influences how we imagine the real, and reflects a specific narrative and view of justice. This article develops two ways to analyze the “one of us” narrative and justice. First, three typologies of legal consciousness render it difficult to distinguish oneself from others and blurs the lines between the true and the false. Second, legal space of “talks without communication” makes it difficult to adjust the law. This article concludes a particular view of personhood: people are constantly demarcating lines between themselves and others. Relationships within “one of us” become formalized and outside “one of us” generate pains that may become resources for future change. |
起訖頁 | 5-19 |
關鍵詞 | 敘事、正義、法意識、法律空間、地方性知識、Narrative、Justice、Legal Consciousness、Legal Space、Local Knowledge |
刊名 | 月旦法學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201602 (249期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102559312016020249001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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