篇名 | 醫療責任訴訟之舉證責任 |
並列篇名 | Medical Lawsuits’ Burden of Proof |
作者 | 許士宦 |
中文摘要 | 在醫療責任訴訟上,雖然醫師實施醫療行為、病患之生命、身體或健康受侵害、兩者間有因果關係及醫師就該行為有過失,均係損害賠償請求權發生之要件事實,應由主張該權利存在之病患負提出證據以證明其真實之舉證責任,惟此類訴訟有關事證均偏在醫療機構(醫師)處,且兩造之專業知識能力不平等,故為維護實質的武器平等原則,應視個案情事,減輕、免除或轉換原告之舉證責任,加重被告之事案解明義務、反證之舉證責任,甚至使其就上述某事項(因果關係、過失)之反對事實負舉證責任。晚近最高法院裁判已認知民訴法第二七七條但書規定之立法意旨,將上開舉證責任調整之理念及方法,逐案落實於審判實務中。 |
英文摘要 | For medical lawsuits, although the patients, with regard to the facts which they allege in their favor, bear the burden of proof, we should adjust, exempt or even inverse this responsibility considering the medical knowledge gap between physicians and patients and the fact that relevant evidences are mostly archived in medical institutions. In this way, we can substantially safeguard the principle of equality of arms. Recent judgments of Taiwan’s Supreme Court have already acknowledged the legislative purposes of Article 277 of Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure and thus embodied aforementioned principles of burden of proof adjustments into judicial practices. |
起訖頁 | 26-47 |
關鍵詞 | 證據偏在、現代型訴訟、武器平等原則、降低證明度、轉換舉證責任、Medical Lawsuits、Civil Procedure、Physicians and Patients |
刊名 | 月旦法學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201511 (246期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102559312015110246002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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