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The Legal Issues Regarding Privacy in Employment—A Focus on Psychological Information
作者 鄭津津
中文摘要 隨著個人隱私保護漸成普世價值,就業隱私保護也愈來愈重要,目前我國與就業隱私保護最直接相關之規定為就業服務法第五條第二項第二款與同法施行細則第一條之一。隨著前述規定之修訂,我國勞動者愈來愈重視其就業隱私權,相關爭議逐漸增加,同時也突顯了我國現有相關規定不夠完備之處。本文從我國有關心理資訊保護之規定出發,介紹探討美國之相關法制,最後提出未來相關法律應有之發展建議,以兼顧勞方之就業隱私與資方之經營需要。
英文摘要 As privacy protection has become universal value in recent years, protection on privacy in employment has gained great attention as well. Currently, the major laws regulating privacy in employment in Taiwan are §5(2)(ii) of the Employment Service Act and §1-1 of Enforcement Rules of the Employment Service Act. Workers in Taiwan care about their privacy rights in employment more and more as the relevant statutes were enacted. Relevant disputes also have increased gradually. The current law, due to its incompleteness, is insufficient to resolve the disputes though. This paper starts from the current law regulating privacy in employment (focusing on psychological information) in Taiwan. The US law governing privacy in employment (focusing on psychological information) is then discussed. In the end, recommendations for amending relevant statutes to balance the interests between employers and workers in Taiwan are provided.
起訖頁 5-16
關鍵詞 就業隱私心理資訊心理檢測人格特質評估身心障礙美國人法Privacy in EmploymentPsychological InformationPsychological Examinations/TestsPersonality Assessmentsthe Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990/ADA
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201510 (245期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312015100245001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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