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When Freedom of the Press Meets The Right to Privacy: A Dilemma of Conflicts between Public Welfare and Private Domain
作者 許育典
中文摘要 釋字第六八九號解釋的個案中,涉及到新聞自由與隱私權的利益衡量,在此國家必須解決一個公益與私域的衝突難題。就此而言,國家如何兼顧不至於陷入對其他人民隱私權的憲法保障不足,而又不過度限制作為第三人的新聞記者新聞自由,這個問題在今日新聞媒體充斥的臺灣社會,特別顯得重要!以下,本文將從新聞記者新聞自由與被跟追者隱私權的探討出發,嘗試由基本權作為國家保護義務的功能理論,解決此一難題。
英文摘要 The case of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 689 involved an evaluation of interests between the freedom of the press and the right to privacy, where the state has to resolve the dilemma of conflicts between public welfare and private domains. From this regard, how to protect the right to privacy under the Constitution and at the same time not to unduly restrict the freedom of the press as a third party is a significant issue in contemporaneous Taiwan with crowed mass media. Below this Article will begins at the reporters freedom of the press and the reported persons right to privacy and attempts to resolve this issue by utilizing the functional theory of the states duty to protect fundamental rights.
起訖頁 81-95
關鍵詞 釋字第六八九號解釋新聞自由隱私權國家保護義務利益衡量Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 689the Freedom of the Pressthe Right to Privacythe State's Duty to Protect Fundamental RightsEvaluation of Interests
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201509 (244期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312015090244006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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