篇名 | 政治結構與政策出路──由第五屆監察院人事案之同意權行使談起 |
並列篇名 | Political Structure and Policy - Legislative Yuan Exercises the Power of Consent to the 5th Nominated Members of Control Yuan |
作者 | 黃錦堂 |
中文摘要 | 領導者應採行「治理」,尤其對於當前「治理有關的結構」的正確理解。我國的深層政治結構,為「社會分歧」。其次,我國藍綠政黨在政府體制、選舉期程與立法院議事結構限制下,處於近乎「民主內戰」的對峙與對決。主政者應努力改善結構;其所採的方案必須具有政治可行性;其得與主要主體(例如黨籍立委)進行有效的溝通;其也得發動更有意義的民主參與及專家意見聽取。本件中,若原先於提名時能有依立法院政黨席次比例分配名額之理解、磋商與宣示,是否更為理想?是否得更斟酌具體的被提名人選? |
英文摘要 | Leaders should adopt governance and have to comprehend current governmental structure. The first characteristic of our political structure is divergent society. The second characteristic is that due to the restriction of the governmental system, the campaign of the election and the procedures of the Legislative Yuan, the two main parties always stay rival against each other. The governor should try the best to improve the problems above, and the projects he/she takes shall be politically feasible. He/she shall have a good communication with the members of the Legislative Yuan, start democratic participation and listen to the professional opinions. This paper suggests that it might be more suitable for the current political structure if the nomination for the members of the Control Yuan is based on the proportion of party seats in the Legislative Yuan, therefore offering a more careful consideration on the nominees. |
起訖頁 | 86-106 |
關鍵詞 | 監察委員、人事同意權、立法院職權行使法、政治結構、政黨惡鬥、分歧社會、政經變遷、憲法政策、Member of the Control Yuan、the Power of Consent、Law Governing the Legislative Yuan’s Power、Political Structure、Partisan Rivalry、Divergent Society、Politic-Economic Changes、Constitutional Policy |
刊名 | 月旦法學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201508 (243期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102559312015080243006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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