篇名 | 都市計畫與環境影響評估──以臺北市內湖保護區之都市計畫變更為例 |
並列篇名 | Urban Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment |
作者 | 傅玲靜 |
中文摘要 | 臺北市內湖保護區都市計畫變更案引發各界關心都市計畫保護區變更為其他使用分區的問題,並認為此時應實施環評。參酌美國及德國的法制設計,關於都市計畫之擬定及變更實施環境影響評估的機制,皆有明確的規定。然而我國除政策性環境影響評估有相當簡略的規定外,對於環境影響評估的基本價值認識混亂,關於都市計畫實施環境影響評估的基本法制規範則非常缺乏,且民眾參與保障亦不足。強化都市計畫實施環境影響評估的法制,亦為健全我國環境影響評估法制的當務之急。 |
英文摘要 | Urban planning and the zoning districts play an important role for the environmental protection in a city. The modification of the conservation zoning for the purpose of the urban development into other districts is usually very controversial. But it can be a good model that U.S.A and Germany have adopted the environmental impact assessment of the urban planning and the due process of the public participation to solve this issue, for example the SEQRA of the New York State and the BauGB of Germany. However, the Act of Environmental Impact Assessment in Taiwan leads into disputes on the basic understanding of the environmental impact assessment. In addition, the laws and regulations of the environmental impact assessment of the urban planning and of the due process are extremely inadequate. Therefore, it should establish the legal system, which applies to the environmental impact assessment of urban planning and the improvement of due process are the top priorities for Taiwan. As a result, it could achieve a well balance between the ecological and the economic interests in Taiwan. |
起訖頁 | 71-85 |
關鍵詞 | 都市計畫、環境影響評估、策略性環境影響評估、政策環境影響評估、民眾參與、Urban Planning、Environmental Impact Assessment、Strategic Environmental Assessment、Policy Environmental Assessment、Public Participation |
刊名 | 月旦法學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201508 (243期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102559312015080243005 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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