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Ancestral Worship vs. Inheritance: Ancestral Worship Association and Grand Justice Interpretation No. 728
作者 陳榮傳
中文摘要 祭祀公業最初是為祭祀祖先而設,其所有的土地或財產,一直與設立人的一般遺產分離而作為祀產,並非依繼承法的規定由繼承人繼承。日據時期日本法院將祭祀公業視為習慣法上法人,最高法院三十九年台上字第三六四號判例否定其法人資格,將舊習慣法上的祭祀公業,轉換為祀產在現行民法上的公同共有財產。《祭祀公業條例》的內容在整理地籍的主軸中,呈現出「去祭祀化」傾向。祭祀規範及決定祀產受益人的方式,目前頗有從政策上探究的必要。
英文摘要 An ancesral association was orginally established for the purpose of worshipping ancestors. The donated lands and properties were separated from the estate of the established. There were not inherited by the heirs. Japanese courts ruled that such association was a legal person established under customary law. The ROC Supreme Court ruled in its Judgment No. Tai-shang 364 of 1950 to the opposite that it was only a combination of donted lands and property which shall be disposed of and manged for the benefits of the worshipping offsprings. The provisions in Act on Ancestral Worship Association implies that worship is no more in the center of such associations. It is argued that both the norm on ancestral worship and the rule for deciding the beneficiaries to such ancestral properties shall be adjusted and modernized.
起訖頁 5-21
關鍵詞 祭祀公業公序良俗性別平等違憲審查私法自治Ancestral Worship AssociationGrand Justice InterpretationJudicial ReviewParty AutonomyGender Equality
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201508 (243期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312015080243001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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