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The Application of Judicial Review of Performance Appraisal and Ultima Ratio Grundsatz: Comments on the (93) Lao-Shang No. 1 Decision Rendered by the Taiwan High Court
作者 張義德
中文摘要 績效考核通常係由勞工之主管所為,不過由於評定標準較為抽象且進行評定時難免有一定之裁量餘地,因而在實務上迭生爭議。是以,本文乃擬先整理我國有關績效考核爭議之判決及學說見解以了解目前的問題狀況,接著再探討在日本法上對於相關問題之處理方式,最後再以此為基礎來檢視本判決之妥當性,期盼能釐清相關的問題並提供可能的解決途徑。
英文摘要 Performance appraisal is the method the employer evaluates employees job performance by various aspects such as work competencies, attitude and productivities. However, the criteria of performance appraisal tend to be abstract. Besides, the evaluator has certain authorities when conducting performance appraisal. The above two reasons could lead to the discrepancy between employer and employee. To solve the above problems, we are going to organize the current theories related to the controversy over the evaluation of performance appraisal and refer to solutions based on Japanese Labor Law, then examine the rationality of this judgment on account of the above conclusion. Hope this could get to the bottom of this issue and provide a possible solution.
起訖頁 281-306
關鍵詞 績效考核司法審查工作規則合理性變更法理解僱最後手段性原則Performance AppraisalJudicial ReviewDisadvantageous Modification of the Work Rule TheoryUltima Ratio Grundsatz
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201506 (241期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312015060241013  複製DOI  DOI申請

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