篇名 | 從金鼎證券結構債案檢視臺灣司法人員考試之改革方案──兼論金融監理決策與司法判決 |
並列篇名 | Using the TISC Structured Bonds Case to Rethinking the Reforming Proposal of Judicial Examination |
作者 | 林國彬 |
中文摘要 | 近年來國家司法不斷進行改革,包括方式、類科、分數計算、閱卷方式與分組選考等陸續推行,最新提出之司法官考試草案將改採一般組與律師證照組,後者限一定執業年限以上之律師始可報考,且考試科目僅有民事法實例、刑事法實例與公法實例,而糾紛日益增加且專業度日益提高的商事法爭議則未在考試科目範圍內,令吾輩從事商事法教學與研究之人倍感失望。擬以十餘年前發生之聯合投信事件之餘波,臺灣高等法院九十九年度金上重訴字第三八號判決與公司法、金融監理、會計等專業有高度關係之判決,進行檢視,以論證未來之司法官考試對於商事法實例仍具有高度之必要性。 |
英文摘要 | The Judicial Examination was in the reforming process in the past few years, the Examination Yuan announced a latest proposal for the reform. In the new proposal, the judicial examination shall be separated into two qualifications: one for general law students, and another for those who already admitted to bar and practicing for certain years. The later one will have to take three examinations, the civil laws, the criminal laws, and the public laws. As a business scholar, this reforming plan makes me disappointed. Thus, the author would like to use a newly rendered criminal case the TISC (Taiwan International Securities Co.) Structured Bonds case, the Appeal Court of Taiwan No. 38 of 99(2010), which relating to corporate law, financial law and supervision, accounting etc. And the author found that the judges of the Appeal Court misunderstood the very basic principal of corporate law and the judgment was thus should not be sustained. And this judgment proves that the business law is a necessarily examination subjection for judicial examination in each qualification. |
起訖頁 | 212-234 |
關鍵詞 | 聯合投信事件、反浮動式結構債、結構債、股東有限責任、揭穿公司面紗、Structured Bonds、Inverse Floating-rate Structured Bonds、Shareholder Limited Liability、Piercing of the Corporate Veil |
刊名 | 月旦法學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201506 (241期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102559312015060241010 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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