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New Developments in Insolvency Regime (Part II)
作者 許士宦
中文摘要 司法院最近提出債務清理法草案。該草案是破產法制定施行後八十年來最大幅度之修正,既因應自然人、私法人及公法人等主體屬性之不同,分別就其倒產處理,建構適合其特性需求之債務清理制度,且對現行和解、破產及重整等程序進行增修重編,並新設公法人債務清理制度及國際倒產法制。為使各該程序確能達成債權人集團性滿足之最大化、公平化及債務人事業或經濟生活之重建更生等制度目的,草案就和解、破產及重整之債務清理實體法及程序法均為大肆改革。
英文摘要 The Judicial Yuan currently presents the draft of Debt Clearance Act, which brings about the greatest modification in 80 years since the bankruptcy legislation came into force. This draft, catering to the differences of natural person, private legal person and public legal person, has established separate debt clearance systems for each. Moreover, it also modifies the incumbent composition, bankruptcy and restructuring procedures while newly establishes debt clearance systems for public legal person and international bankruptcy system. To ensure all the aforementioned procedures can satisfy the purposes of this draft (optimizing and balancing the interests of creditors while restructuring the economy of debtors), this draft has drastically renovates the substantive and procedural debt clearance laws for composition, bankruptcy and restructuring.
起訖頁 176-191
關鍵詞 複數程序型程序選擇權程序轉換論債務清理實體法並行倒產Plural Procedures ModelRight of Procedural Optionsthe Theory of Exchanging ProceduresDebt Clearance Substantive LawParallel Bankruptcy
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201506 (241期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312015060241008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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