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The Attitude of Leisure Sports on University Students in Taiwan
作者 陳瑞辰謝豐宇陳逸政
中文摘要 大學生良好的休閒運動態度,將影響其身心狀態與社交行為,進而影響國家未來的經濟力與國力,因此,完整探究休閒運動態度多角度、多面向的衡量構面有其重要性。是故,本文目的在探討臺灣大專校院學生休閒運動態度之衡量構面。研究方法以文獻分析法,透過Google學術搜尋引擎、EBSCOhost、ProQuest及華藝線上圖書館蒐尋相關文獻,以輸入關鍵字:休閒理論、休閒運動、休閒運動態度、休閒運動行為、休閒運動參與等,並參閱休閒運動、休閒活動等相關書籍與論文,採用次數統計方式,針對19篇實徵性相關研究論文,進行休閒理論、休閒運動類別與效益、人口統計變項之休閒運動態度影響因素、休閒運動態度衡量構面等四個部分的歸納整理、探討與論述。結果發現休閒運動態度衡量構面可歸納出生理成長、心靈成長、社會成長、認知成長、情感投入與行為傾向等六構面來進行衡量。此文獻探討之結果,於學術領域,可做為專家學者後續衡量大專校院學生休閒運動態度之參據;於實務領域,可做為體育教師、實務工作者改善與提升教學內容之參據。
英文摘要 It was very important for understanding the attitude of leisure sports on university students in Taiwan. Because the positive attitude of leisure sports will not only promote whose state of body and mind, but also upgrade the social relationships. Then effecting the national economy and power. But what were the dimensions about the attitude of leisure sports? So the purpose of this paper was to explore the dimensions of measuring on university students in Taiwan. A literature reviewed on the theory of leisure, the category and benefits of leisure sports, the influencing factors of leisure sports attitude on demographic variables and the dimensions of measuring on the attitude of leisure sports. Results showed the dimensions of measuring can be inducted on physical growth, spiritual growth, social growth, cognitive growth, emotional investment, and behavioral intention, which can provided a completely foundation for surveying the attitude of leisure sports on university students.
起訖頁 121-134
關鍵詞 休閒理論休閒運動行為傾向休閒運動參與the theory of leisurebehavioral intention of leisure sportsthe participation of leisure sports
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201706 (31:2期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002017063102004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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