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Constructing sport-specific conditioning and performance testing system for Bowler
作者 柯莉蓁李曉萍吳慧君
中文摘要 2014年亞運會保齡球項目經12年後再次獲1金1銀,體能訓練及傷害防護的介入是此次亞運訓練最大改變。運動檢測是體能與運動表現的核心,可幫助教練擬訂訓練計畫、了解訓練進展及運動傷害預防。由於目前保齡球運動體能與運動表現檢測系統尚未建立,因此,本文回顧相關文獻後,整理出保齡球運動之檢測項目如下: (一) 基本資料:運動史、體型測量、身體組成;(二) 運動體能:肘、肩、膝、髖關節之等速肌力 (最大肌力、肌耐力、爆發力)、握力、肩腕肌力、背肌力、心肺耐力、平衡穩定、柔軟度;(三) 運動表現:投擲準確性、投擲效率、滑步穩定、平均分數等。
英文摘要 The Chinese Taipei national bowling team won medal again in 2014 Asian Games. It won a gold medal and a silver medal. The important change was, the strength and conditioning coach and the Athletic trainer participated in the training plan. However, fitness testing is the core of physical condition and athletic performance. It can aid the coach to design the training plan, understand the training progress and sport injury prevention. The Bowling fitness testing has not been systemized in specific. However, ,on the basic of the relevant literature review, the fitness test should include: (1) basic information: sport history, anthropometric, body composition; (2) specific conditioning: isokinetic strength of power, maximal strength and endurance that comprises of elbow, shoulder, knee and hip, grip strength, back strength, shoulder wrist strength, cardio respiratory endurance, balance of stability, flexibility; (3) performance: throwing accuracy, throwing affectivity, foot slide satiability and average scores.
起訖頁 041-048
關鍵詞 生理參數生物力學競賽特徵運動模式運動傷害Physical parametric BiomechanicsCompetition characteristicMovement patternSport injury
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201703 (31:1期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002017033101006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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