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運動勞動生產過程之探討-從馬克思 (Karl Marx) 《資本論》二重觀點審視-
A Study on the Process of Sport Labor Production -- Examined from the Dual Perspectives in Das Kapital by Karl Marx --
作者 陳俊玄
中文摘要 本文運用馬克思《資本論》的二重觀念,企欲了解勞動操作在運動範疇的生產樣態。研究發現,運用馬克思勞動二重的具體勞動與抽象勞動之觀念,可以了解運動範疇中的勞動生產過程,勞動者的具體勞動創造運動商品的使用價值,抽象勞動凝結運動商品的價值 (交換價值) 。再者,藉由運動商品使用價值的實用屬性與價值的交換屬性之分析,發現運動商品的勞務生產造成生產結構的內在矛盾;亦即,運動資本階級 (資本家) 與運動勞動階級 (勞工) 產生二元對立的內在矛盾與階級緊張,此關係彰顯資本主義社會的運動資料生產所有者對運動勞動力所有者的勞動剝削,以及自身運動資本 (剩餘價值/利潤) 的無限擴張與累積。
英文摘要 This paper is thus set out to probe into the labor production patterns in the context of production using the dual perspectives of Marx contained in Das Kapital. It is found that the sport product's value in use is created in the concrete labor of the Arbeiter while the exchange value of the sport product is embodied in the abstract labor using Marx's dual concept of abstract and concrete labor. Moreover, it is found in the analysis of the value in use and value in exchange of a sport product of labor that the production of sport products of labor might incur inherent contradictions in the productive structure. That is to say, inherent contradiction and class tension between the two opposite classes of the Kapitalist and the Arbeiter will arise in their debate of the ownership of a sport product of labor and the surplus value of a commodity. This tension actually indicates the exploitation of the Kapitalist, owners of producer goods, of the Arbeiter, owners of production labor, as well as the limitless expansion and accumulation of production capital (surplus value/profits) on the former's part.
起訖頁 261-270
關鍵詞 資本論勞動二重性商品二重性關係二重性運動商品Das Kapitaldual nature of labordual nature of commoditydual nature of relationshipsport product
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201612 (30:4期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002016123004003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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