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From One to All:The original stratification of leisure and the new social movement
作者 陳渝苓
中文摘要 若我們以後現代思潮中所重視的異質性來重新思考社會的多元問題,目前臺灣社會中多元化的人口結構帶動差異性的發展,不但對原本的社會規則與秩序造成明顯的衝擊,同時促使學術上的重新思考。因應著此一發展脈絡,「平等」的問題在社會的領域中漸漸浮現而成為重要命題。本研究採取一個批判的觀點,試圖從休閒概念原初的歷史設定開始論述,進而了解後現代性與當今社會的發展脈絡如何衝擊休閒概念及其所導致的質變,並討論因著此種質變所產生的休閒型變歷程。藉由歷史觀點的披露,本文希望能夠重新審視「平等」在休閒中的意涵,並探討「弱勢」與「多元族群」參與休閒的核心價值如何隨著社會變化翻轉產生新的機會。
英文摘要 If we consider social problems from the viewpoint of heterogeneity addressed by postmodernism, it is quite obvious that the emphasis of diversity has gradually replaced the “orthodox ideology” and possibly became the new social norm. Neglcted issues in the past, such as equality and justice, re-emerged as important discouses in leiusre-related disciplines and draw scholars’ attention. This study took a critical standpoint to discuss the envolvemnet of leisure historically, and further explored the shifting process of the ideology and the transformation of leisure under the wave of social change. Specifically, this study also intended to disclose the current idea of equality of leisure participation and its relationship with diversed groups used to be seen as marginal to leisure, and focus on how these groups entitle to leisure in this new era.
起訖頁 251-260
關鍵詞 後現代異質性參與平等多元族群postmodernismheterogeneityequality of participationdiversed groups
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201612 (30:4期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002016123004002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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