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Attention and motor performance
作者 林雙如林靜兒
中文摘要 注意力焦點是指引導學習者關注肢體動作或注意環境線索的一種策略,近年來成為影響動作技能表現的重要因素之一。許多研究發現外在注意力焦點比內在注意力焦點更益於動作技能的表現與學習。因此,本文回顧相關實證研究文獻、假說與理論,整合過去注意力焦點的沿革與發展,並從動作學習的優化理論探討未來研究方向的可能性,期望提供相關人員進一步了解注意力焦點的效益,提高其在教學、訓練與研究應用的可能性。
英文摘要 Focus of attention is a strategy that refers to guide the learner to pay attention to body movements or attention to environmental cues, it has become an important factor affecting the performance of motor skills in recent years. Therefore, discuss the focus of attention for understanding the motor performance and learning is the importance of the contribution. Many studies have confirmed that the external focus of attention than the internal focus of attention is benefit motor skills performance, and effectively enhance athletic performance. Therefore, this article reviews empirical studies of literature, hypothesis and theory, integrating evolution and development of focus of attention in the past, and analysis from the OPTIMAL theory of motor learning to explore possibilities for directions of research in the future. It expected to provide the relevant personnel to further understand the benefit of focus of attention, and improve the possibility of their teaching, training and application in research.
起訖頁 221-228
關鍵詞 內在注意力焦點外在注意力焦點優化理論internal focus of attentionexternal focus of attentionOPTIMAL theory
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201609 (30:3期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002016093003008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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