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Application of electromyography in tennis
作者 江勁政
中文摘要 在競爭日趨激烈的國際網壇,運動強國相當重視網球科學理論與實務的結合,利用客觀量化數據提供教練、選手訓練時參考。本文主要目的是探討肌電圖在網球運動之應用,透過文獻回顧,以證據為基礎,觀察肌電圖在網球發球和底線抽球時的應用。期能歸納應用研究成果提供教練、選手有關擊球時肌肉徵召模式之訊息並了解正確運用肌肉對擊球的重要性,從事肌力和柔軟度等訓練時,應注意身體上下肢、前後側、左右側之間的均衡,兼顧作用肌與拮抗肌,避免肌肉失衡,以提升運動表現、減少運動傷害。
英文摘要 Advanced sports countries attached considerable importance to combine tennis scientific theory and practice in todays highly competitive international tennis. The aim of this study was to discuss the application of electromyography in tennis. Through literature review, evidence-based to observed the application of electromyography in tennis serve and groundstroke. Expect to generalize of applied research achievements and provide coaches and players new knowledge about the muscle recruitment patterns of the shots and understand the importance of the proper use of the muscles when hit the ball. Engaged in strength and flexibility training should pay attention to balance between upper and lower extremities of the body, front and back sides, left and right the side, taking into account the agonist and antagonistic muscles to prevent muscle imbalances, improve athletic performance and reduce injuries.
起訖頁 049-056
關鍵詞 球拍運動肌肉活化網球科學racquet sportsmuscle activationtennis science
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201603 (30:1期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002016033001007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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