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Changes of self-efficacy in motor learning process
作者 林逸卓俊伶
中文摘要 在動作學習過程中,學習者的自我效能是無法被直接觀察的內在心理歷程,過去探討練習安排及回饋實施的研究當中,大多著重探究實驗設計對於動作技能學習的影響,直到以學習者為主體的自我控制回饋議題出現之後,學習者的心理變項逐漸受重視,因此學習者自我效能的變化及其對動作學習的影響有待進一步的瞭解。本文透過探討自我效能變項的動作學習相關研究,發現目前沒有探討動作學習過程的自我效能量表,並提出探討動作學習過程中的自我效能議題及體育教師與運動教練在教學或訓練時提升學習者自我效能的建議。
英文摘要 When people learn motor skills, the changing processes of their self-efficacy could not be directly observed. Most of the studies about practice and feedbacks scheduling were to examine how experimental designs had influence on motor skill acquisition. It was not until the issue of self-controlled feedback had raised that learner’s psychological variables became to be emphasized. Thus, the changes of learners’ self-efficacy and the effects of self-efficacy on motor learning processes needed further elaboration. This paper provided findings from reviewing the studies related to the self-efficacy measures and motor learning, and no appropriate self-efficacy scales for the processes of motor learning was found. This paper also proposed issues about self-efficacy measures in motor learning and provided suggestions for physical education teacher and coach to enhance learners’ self-efficacy in teaching or training.
起訖頁 025-030
關鍵詞 心理變項回饋自我控制psychological variablefeedbackself-control
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201603 (30:1期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002016033001004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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