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Study on the development of scuba diving in Taiwan
作者 林秉毅李明倫
中文摘要 本研究探討水肺潛水發展時期各民間組織與官方政策序列,勾勒出臺灣水肺潛水發展時序與規模,同時亦探討臺灣常見五所休閒潛水教育系統加以追溯國際認證法源。研究結果所示:一、本研究探討國內水肺發展沿革後可分為四期程:軍事戒嚴期、戒嚴期下草創初期、解嚴期後拓展、全方位海洋政策輔佐。二、於國內各系統皆有國際認證法源,主要可分為歐洲與美洲兩大區域認證。三、國內潛水中心共有餘77家,於北部區域分佈最多,潛水中心數量以SSI系統為最多。研究結果可作為未來相關研究基礎參考。
英文摘要 This study discussed the sequence of civil groups and governmental polices during the development of scuba diving, and drew the outline of time sequence and scale of SCUBA development in Taiwan. Meanwhile, this study also discussed 5 common recreational diving education systems in Taiwan so as to trace the source of law for international certification. The findings are as follows: (1) based on the discussion of the development history of scuba diving in Taiwan, four stages are categorized, namely, martial law stage, pioneering period under martial law, expansion stage after martial law is lifted, stage of overall ocean policy assistance; (2) the various systems of Taiwan have the source of law for international certification, mainly categorized into Europe and America regions for certification; (3) There are several diving centers in Taiwan, mostly distributed in the north of Taiwan, while the SSI systems take the majority in the diving centers. The study results could act as relevant fundamental reference in the future.
起訖頁 189-196
關鍵詞 開放式水肺潛水水肺發展沿革潛水系統分析scuba divingdevelopment of scuba divingdiving system analysis
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201509 (29:3期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002015092903003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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