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Research trends on sport pedagogy theses and dissertations in Taiwan: 1994-2013
作者 闕月清陳詠儒
中文摘要 本文分析1994至2013年間,臺灣運動教育學相關博碩士學位論文之完成年份、學位類別、主題、方法及對象,以瞭解我國運動教育學相關博碩士學位論文發展趨勢。我國運動教育學博碩士學位論文,就總數而言,20年間有大幅度的增長,但絕大部分為碩士論文,博士論文數比例甚低。主要的研究議題自2003年由課程轉向教學後,皆呈現以教學研究為主的情形。而近八成的學位論文採問卷調查法與實驗研究法,使量化研究方法成為20年間主要的研究方法取向。研究對象則一直以來以國小學生為主,其次為中學生。為達各研究議題均衡發展及研究品質提升之目的,期勉我國運動教育學領域學位論文,提升博士論文之質與量、採用質性或混合研究方法、重視體育課程與體育師資培育議題,並針對各學齡學生不同的特質與需求探究運動教育學相關議題。
英文摘要 The present article explored the research trends in regard to the year, type of degree, topic, method, and participant by analyzing the master’s theses and doctoral dissertations with sport pedagogy focus from 1994 to 2013. The numbers of master’s theses and doctoral dissertations in sport pedagogy had obviously grown. Master’s theses were dominant whereas doctoral dissertations were scarce. The trend of research topics had been shifted from curriculum to teaching at the year of 2003. Since then research in teaching physical education had been overwhelming. More than eighty percent of the theses and dissertations were conducted using questionnaires and experimental designs. Hence, quantitative researches had been the dominated research approach. Primary school students had been the most concerned participant, followed by secondary school students. In order to ensure the balanced development and the quality of the research, future studies were suggested that to enhance the quality and quantitative of doctoral dissertation, adopt qualitative or mixed methods, pay attention to topics in curriculum development in physical education and physical education teacher education, and look into specific issues important to students in each phase of education.
起訖頁 181-188
關鍵詞 體育教學體育課程體育師資培育內容分析典範Research on Teaching Physical education (RT-PE)physical education curriculumphysical Education TeacherEducation (PETE)content analysisparadigm
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201509 (29:3期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002015092903002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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