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The analysis of coach behaviors for the loss of sports ethics under utilitarianism
作者 尤意融江欣惇
中文摘要 無論是何種運動項目,不外乎一定會有教練存在,戰術的下達、教練的指令,身為運動員就必須得遵從。優質的教練在執業時必須具備專業倫理,「模範」(model) 是影響運動員道德行為的最大因素,教練除了要灌輸運動員有正面的運動道德觀念以外,自身對於競賽情境中的指使分寸也要拿捏妥當,且不該有指使球員做出違反運動家精神之行為。教練的行為會影響比賽的勝負,也會在有形或無形中影響運動員的心理或行為。本文透過文獻分析,探討優質教練須具備的準則,並以「2006年法律野球事件」及「2008年高中籃球聯賽放水事件」之兩項案例,探討在瀰漫功利主義的運動環境中,追求功利所產生的行為結果之運動道德的正當性。
英文摘要 Coaches exist in every sport. Coaches call plays and their orders should be followed by athletes. Good coaches, while instructing players, must stick to sport morals, in that “model” is what affect athletes’ moral behaviors most. Aside from teaching athletes correct sport morals, coaches are obliged to draw a line in giving orders during competitions, and should not ask players to do anything against sportsmanship. The behaviors of coaches determine the outcome of a game, and will, consciously and unconsciously, affect athletes’ mentality or behavior. This study uses literature review to probe into the criteria a good coach must have, discusses the “2006 Legal Baseball Event” and the “2008 Game-Throwing in High School Basketball League”, and looks into the of sport moral legitimacy of the behavior created by utilitarianism, which defines the sports circle.
起訖頁 175-180
關鍵詞 功利主義運動道德教練行為utilitarianismsports ethicscoach behavior
刊名 中華體育季刊
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201509 (29:3期)
DOI 10.3966/102473002015092903001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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