篇名 | 軍機飛行員下背痛的肌肉適能運動處方 |
並列篇名 | The prescription of muscle fitness training for low back pain of military pilots |
作者 | 蔡玉敏、吳柏翰 |
中文摘要 | 根據調查臺灣飛行員罹患下背痛比例高,下背痛會影響睡眠品質與工作情緒,並排斥體能訓練,這些都會影響駕駛飛機的安全性,然而軍機的高震動、高G環境、不良坐姿與操作姿勢、下背缺乏支撐物、駕機時間過長、不合適的座艙座椅角度,都會提升罹患下背痛的風險。下背痛患者從事運動主要以降低疼痛、減輕椎間盤壓力、提高腰椎與軀幹支撐力為目的。並且以提升上半身、軀幹、體側肌群、下背與大腿後側肌群的肌肉適能、核心肌群穩定為目標。透過文獻探討舒緩下背痛肌肉適能運動處方,目前訓練模式已向心、離心、靜態等長與複合式等傳統阻力訓練,及皮拉提斯、多功能懸吊系統訓練為主,可安排在每週的訓練中執行。對於任務繁忙者,可採每週僅1次在脊椎伸展機上做等張收縮的坐姿體前屈與背後弓的腰椎伸展動作運動處方;下背痛嚴重者,可採負荷量較輕、訓練頻率較高的仰臥的起坐、單橋、雙橋動作,俯臥的背後弓等4項傳統主動運動治療的靜態等長阻力訓練處方;而訓練動作高達24項的皮拉提斯與9項動作的多功能懸吊系統,則必須有教練指導。建議將已具訓練成效的肌肉適能運動處方,提供給具有下背痛困擾的軍機飛行員使用,並實證在軍機飛行員的實用性。 |
英文摘要 | According to a survey indicated that high proportion of Taiwan pilots suffering from lower back pain that will affect the quality of sleep and the emotions, and escape from physical activity which will significantly affect the safety of driving airplane. However, the high vibration or high G environment of airplane, poor posture and operating posture, lack of lower back support, fly long time and inappropriate cockpit seat angle all will enhance the risk of lower back pain. The training target of lower back pain patients is mainly to reduce pain rating, disc pressure, improve lumbar spine and torso support force. In addition, it is important to increase the muscular fitness of the upper body muscles, trunk, side muscles, lower back, hamstring muscles and core muscles stability. The present literature reviewed the studies of lower back pain muscle fitness exercise prescription. The concentric, eccentric, static isometric and complex traditional resistance training, Pilates and multifunctional TRX training was the main training models. These exercises can arrangements for the implementation of the weekly training. For tasks busy person, performing only once a week training on the spine stretching machine to perform isotonic contraction reach sitting behind the bow and lumbar stretch exercise, but, severe lower back pain should take lower training load and higher training frequency prescription of sit-ups, single bridge and double bridge exercises, prone taut spine over the body movement therapy and exercises up to 24 multifunctional suspension system of Pilates and 9 exercises of TRX system, you must accompany with coach guidance. We suggest that provide effective exercise prescription to military pilots who suffering from lower back pain and examine the usefulness in military pilots. |
起訖頁 | 043-050 |
關鍵詞 | 職業傷害、復健、核心肌群、occupational injury、rehabilitation、core muscles |
刊名 | 中華體育季刊 |
出版單位 | 中華民國體育學會 |
期數 | 201503 (29:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102473002015032901006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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