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The construction and weight analysis of physical education teachers’belief indices under the postmodern thoughts
作者 石偉源蒲逸悧黃品榮周宏室潘義祥
中文摘要 緒論:後現代主義思想潮流影響社會多元的價值思考模式,充斥在教育體系之間,教育主管單位不能再用傳統思維引導教師教學,教師更不能用現在性思維來教育未來的學生,須透過後現代的核心概念來啟發學生,檢視自身的教學,避免再陷入另一種霸權的形式,因此,體育教師不應該只著重在傳統固有的教學模式,須秉持著質疑、反省、批判的態度,勇於挑戰權威,給予學生多元的學習內容,為朝向進步社會狀態重新建構嶄新的面貌。檢視國內外相關文獻,尚未發現以後現代為範疇、以體育教師為對象、以信念為主題之實證研究,因而探討本研究主題,實有其必要性與價值性。本研究目的乃在編製後現代思潮下體育教師信念指標,以符合時代創新之變革,追求更好的教學品質。方法:透過文獻分析、10位教育行政及學校體育教師參與三次焦點團體座談、2位體育及教育領域教授進行深度訪談、10位專家學者實施修正式德懷術 (Modified Delphi Method) 及層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),歷經等五階段創編指標,從無到有、從自編到專家檢視,再輔以統計方式加以確認各指標之內涵。結果:本研究結果歸納出「多元」、「反省」、「批判」、「創新」等4項二級指標與29項三級指標,此4項二級指標權重值分別21.8%、23.5%、15.2%、39.6%,「創新」權重排序最高。結論:本研究所建構之後現代思潮下體育教師信念指標具有良好的信效度,未來可作為評估在後現代思潮下體育教師信念之用。
英文摘要 Introduction: This study is based on the hope theory where we examined the relationships between positive emotion, pathway thoughts and agency thoughts in hope theory and its effect on an athlete’s sense of control (expectancies of ability to cope and goal attainment) , self-handicapping and precompetitive state anxiety (intensity and direction). We examined the model about self-handicapping and precompetitive state anxiety predicted by positive emotion, pathway thoughts and agency thoughts through sense of control by using a cross-sectional design. Methods: A sample of 309 division1 and division2 collegiate tennis players (183 males, 126 females) were part of this study. The average age of the player was 21.82 years and had and average training time of 5.8 years. They completed a battery of questionnaires prior to one hour of their matches to measure their precompetitive emotions, sport hope (pathway and agency), sense of control (expectancies of ability to cope and goal attainment), precompetitive state anxiety (intensity and direction), and self-handicapping. Results: The results gathered from the study showed that pathways was significantly positively related with agency and positive emotion thus effecting the direction of precompetitive state anxiety. However if pathways was negatively related with negative emotion, intensity of precompetitive state anxiety and self-handicapping. This study shows that players with more pathway thoughts are prone to have more positive emotion, agency thoughts and sense of control, and views having a sense of anxiety as a positive challenge rather than a negative feeling which they cannot control. Players with more pathway thoughts also have less negative emotion, intensity of anxiety and self-handicapping. Conclusion: The results generally matched the hypothesis. The modified model demonstrated acceptable fit index. Hope was predicted by positive emotion when players had more pathway thoughts and this was used to study a player’s precompetitive state anxiety by using sense of control as a mediator. In conclusion, positive emotion positively correlates to a player’s sense of control thus helping them have a lower sense of negative anxiety. Practical implications for how coaches can help players have more positive emotion needs to be studied. It is also recommended that future studies obtain data by monitoring players for a longer period of time to be able to gather more comprehensive knowledge of positive emotion and hope theory.
起訖頁 219-232
關鍵詞 深度訪談修正式德懷術層級分析法depth interviewmodified delphi methodanalytic hierarchy process
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201706 (50:2期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972017065002008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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