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A study of the critical operational indicators on the outsourced sport venues during its developing period
作者 周宇輝簡全亮康正男
中文摘要 緒論:我國公共運動場館在設計和規劃階段經常忽視未來營運之需求,導致場館完工後易發生設施現況不符營運需求的情況。為確保運動場館之永續發展,導正各縣市政府重硬體、輕營運之現象,並避免蚊子館之發生,體育署近年來對於各種重大運動場館興建計畫,皆要求各縣市政府須先委外招商成功才核發工程補助款。因此,本研究目的係以營運之角度找出運動場館「促參可行性評估及先期規劃」、「建築設計」等各作業階段會影響未來OT委外營運執行的重要關鍵指標。方法:先透過文獻分析與專家德爾菲問卷篩選出運動場館OT委外之關鍵成功因素,再利用決策實驗室分析法尋找出運動場館成功委外之主要影響因素。結果:運動場館成功委外因素有「政策目的可行性」、「市場可行性」、「財務可行性」、「建築計畫可行性」及「營運監督管理可行性」五大構面22項關鍵因子。經由決策實驗室分析獲得「政策目的可行性」與「建築計畫可行性」兩大構面是運動場館成功委外之主要影響因素。結論:本研究結果提供政府未來辦理民間參與運動場館先期規劃階段及OT委外招商時,各個階段執行重點與品質管控的參考依據。
英文摘要 Introduction: Building sports facilities was used to be taken as the achievements in politicians’ official career commonly but the construction completion of facilities did not surely guarantee the operating success of the venues and often failed to deliver on its function and became very expensive to maintain. To avoid the situation that the public sport venues did not meet the needs of the sustainability and became White Elephants, it was better to review and define the future operation needs in the initial new product R&D process of the whole life cycle, including the feasibility study phase, planning phase, and the designing phase, in order to integrate the needs into the venue design. Methods: Through the literature review and intensive interviews on the experts, this study raised the draft questionnaire of the critical operational indicators in the dimensions of the policy oriented goal, market oriented goal, finance sustainable goal and the architecture master plan. Delphi method and the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory were conducted afterwards to finalize all critical operational indicators. Results: The policy oriented goal and the architecture master plan were the key dimensions that would influence and determine the market oriented goal and finance sustainable goal to make the facilities financially sustainable. This research finalized a complete framework for assessing the process during the development period of the public sport venues. Conclusion: The policy oriented goal could strongly influence the market and financial feasibility and hence the proportion of the policy oriented goal should be determined carefully and properly since it would squeeze the operation profit and block the private sectors from participating the public projects. It was suggested to identify the market needs and draft the business plan in the feasibility phase to finalize the architecture master plan that could meet the future operation strategy completely. It was highly recommended to create the business plan based on market needs and elaborate a clear vision with desired outcomes of the policy goal, and establish master plans to guide project and form the articulate design principles. The finding and result of this study could help make the public sport venues sustainable and benefit the government and the outsourced contractors for assessing and reviewing their process in the feasibility study, planning and the designing of the sports venues.
起訖頁 177-192
關鍵詞 運動設施決策實驗室分析法經營管理sports facilityDEMATELsport management
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201706 (50:2期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972017065002005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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