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Effects of 12-week resistance training on biochemical parameters in healthy young male adults
作者 張世沛陳碧蓮李明憲楊昌斌陳妤瑄
中文摘要 緒論:無論是否為運動選手,阻力訓練對於受訓人員的健康和成績都有許多好處。本研究主要的目的是探討12週阻力訓練計畫對於成年健康年輕男性的血液生化指標參數的影響。方法:受試對象為19-27歲的健康成年男性,每週實施三次持續一小時的重量訓練,於第1、6及12週每次訓練前兩小時及訓練後一小時各抽血一次檢查。分析項目包含血液學檢查、血球計數、血清學化學檢查、肝功能/肌肉傷害,血中代謝產物和電解質。結果:血液學檢查在阻力訓練前後並沒有顯著差異。每次訓練後,白血球總數(6.23±1.49×103/uL 與7.24±1.85×103/uL)和嗜中性白血球(55.41±7.72% 與 63.85±10.03%)計數顯著增加(p < .05),相反的,淋巴細胞及嗜酸性白血球數量則減少(p < .05)。紅血球沈降係數和嗜中型白血球/淋巴球比兩種指標上升,顯示每次阻力訓練後的暫時急性發炎反應。雖然,並沒有證據顯示運動引發肌肉的傷害,但是每次訓練運動後常發生電解質明顯改變。上述檢驗數據的變化,僅發生在阻力訓練計畫的第ㄧ和第二個月。結論:本研究結果表明,參與受試者接受阻力訓練兩個月之後,對於運動壓力的衝擊,會產生生理適應。這項研究結果,值得未來對於訓練強度和效果的關係進行研究,挑戰極限並找出最適合的訓練方案。
英文摘要 Introduction: Resistance training has many beneficial effects on health and performance for athletes and non-athletes. This study aimed to explore the effects of a 12-week resistance exercise program on the biochemical parameters among healthy young male adults. Methods: Male adults aged 19-27 years were included in resistance exercise program. The participants exercised on both weight machines and free weights, 3 times per week for 1 hour per session. Blood samples were collected and tested at 2 h pre-exercise and 1 h post-exercise at the 1, 6 and 12 weeks. Analyses included hematology, blood cell counts, serum chemistry, liver function/muscle damage, metabolites and electrolytes. Results: No significant change in hematology was between pre- and post-exercises were observed. The numbers of white blood cells (6.23±1.49×103/uL versus 7.24±1.85×103/uL) and neutrophils (55.41±7.72% versus 63.85±10.03%) significantly increased immediately after resistance exercise (p < .05), in contrast to the percentages of lymphocytes and eosinophils that showed significant decreases after exercise (p < .05). Elevated levels of markers (erythrocyte sedimentation rate and neutrophils/lymphocytes ratio) indicated there were transient and acute inflammatory responses after each resistance training session. Although no evident exercise-induced muscle damage, significant changes in electrolytes were more commonly detected at each of post exercises. The exercises of resistance training predicted significant changes in some of the measurements, but only at the 1st and/or 2nd months post exercises. Conclusion: The results suggest that the participants had physiological adaptations 2 months after the resistance training, in response to exercise stress. Future studies are necessary to demonstrate the dose-effect relationships between exercise and outcomes, and to strike the optimal and applicable exercise programs.
起訖頁 151-164
關鍵詞 阻力訓練血液學血球發炎resistance traininghematologyblood cellsinflammation
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201706 (50:2期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972017065002003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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