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Exploring Sport Stadium Atmosphere in Sporting Events Using Environmental Psychology
作者 陳成業
中文摘要 本研究以環境心理學Mehrabian-Russell模式 (1974) 為理論架構,進行中華職棒聯盟賽會的場館氣氛研究。緒論︰本研究目的包含以下三點:本研究欲發展適用於中華職棒聯盟賽會的運動賽會場館氣氛量表,並檢視該量表的效度與信度;本研究亦使用不同於發展該量表的樣本進行覆核效化的程序以確認該量表的外部效度;此外,本研究欲探討運動賽會場館氣氛 (環境刺激)、個體情緒狀態 (中介變數) 與再購意願 (行為反應變數) 的結構路徑關係。方法︰本研究依據Churchills (1979) 和Kim, Trail, Woo, 與Zhang (2011) 提出的研究流程為基礎進行本研究之分析。該流程包含四個階段︰第一階段為中華職棒聯盟賽會場館氣氛量表題項的建構與修編並且進行預試分析;第二階段為中華職棒聯盟賽會場館氣氛量表構面的探索與驗證;第三階段則是針對第二階段所發展出來的中華職棒聯盟賽會場館氣氛量表以不同的樣本進行覆核效化;第四階段為中華職棒聯盟賽會場館氣氛、情緒構面與行為反應構面三者之間的結構路徑關係檢定。各階段之研究抽樣方式與抽樣數量皆有詳細說明。本研究統計分析將使用PASW 18.0與LISERL 8.51統計軟體進行分析,並將顯著水準訂於 .05。結果︰結果顯示,中華職棒賽會場館氣氛由「球員表現」、「球迷熱情」、「硬體設施」、「現場活動」與「對戰之可看性」等因素所形成。經再一次的驗證其因素結構,本量表具有好的效度與信度。結論︰此外,中華職棒賽會場館氣氛正向預測現場觀眾情緒;而現場觀眾情緒正向預測其再購意願。
英文摘要 Introduction: The current research proposal was to investigate the topic of sport stadium atmosphere (SSA) in the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) based on the Mehrabian-Russell model (1974) in the field of environmental psychology. More specifically, the purposes of the present research proposal included the development of the SSA scale in CPBL games along with the examination of the psychometric properties of the SSA scale, the cross validation of the SSA scale, and the investigation on the structural path coefficients among sport stadium atmosphere, spectators’ emotions, and repurchase intention. Methods: The current research proposal followed the research procedures suggested by Churchill’s (1979) and Kim, Trail, Woo, and Zhang (2011). The procedures involved four stages. The first stage was to construct and refine the items for SSA scale in CPBL and to conduct a pilot study for the constructs of emotions (pleasure, arousal, and dominance, PAD) and behavioral response (repurchase intention). The second stage included the exploration and confirmation of the SSA scale in CPBL. The third stage contained the cross validation of the SSA scale developed from the second stage. The fourth stage encompassed the hypothesis testing on the structural path coefficients among sport stadium atmosphere, emotions, and repurchase intention. Sampling information as well as statistical/qualitative methods were well-specified in each stage. PASW 18.0 and LISERL 8.51 along with the significance level of .05 were used for data analysis in the current research proposal. Results: The findings of the present study showed that sport stadium atmosphere of CPBL consisted of “players’ performance,” “fans’ passion,” “sport facilities,” “on-site events,” and “team competition.” Satisfactory validity and reliability of the scale was demonstrated by confirmatory factor analysis. Conclusion: Additionally, sport stadium atmosphere positively predicted spectators’ emotion, which in turn positively predicted spectators’ repurchase intention.
起訖頁 417-430
關鍵詞 運動產業運動管理運動賽會運動行銷sport industrysport managementsport eventsport marketing
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201512 (48:4期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972015124804004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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