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The effects of title-sponsored sport event attractiveness and familiarity on event attachment and loyalty
作者 張景弘徐世同
中文摘要 緒論:在眾多運動贊助形式中,冠名贊助猶如皇冠中的寶石,提供贊助者對特定目標族群的大量品牌曝光率之機會。本研究理論背景依據運動消費者心理連續模型之察覺、吸引、依附、忠誠四個連續過程發展,來探討冠名贊助運動賽會之參加者的參與運動項目重要性、賽會吸引力、賽會熟悉度三個前置因子,是否影響其賽會情感依附;並進一步檢視此情感依附是否影響賽會忠誠與贊助品牌購買意願。方法:實證樣本選取自「2013年八卦山脈美利達盃&單車嘉年華」當日實際參加者,該冠名贊助賽會在同一地點舉辦多年,至2013年止共舉辦13屆,在國內頗負盛名,且重覆參加者人數衆多,提供具代表性的運動賽會參賽者樣本。有效問卷為251份,以偏最小平方法分析模型與假說驗證。結果:實證結果顯示,賽會情感依附中介影響運動項目重要性、賽會吸引力、賽會熟悉度對賽會忠誠度與贊助品牌購買意願之關係。其中,情感依附在賽會吸引力與賽會忠誠度間,具完全中介效果。結論:企業在執行冠名贊助賽會時,可以使用本模型的前置因子來瞭解參加者對賽會的情感依附,有助於冠名贊助運動賽會、地方景點行銷以及企業品牌的長期經營與發展。
英文摘要 Introduction: Title sponsorship to the styles of sponsorship, likes the main diamond of a crown. It provides a golden opportunity to allow sponsors to achieve a great deal of brand exposure to target customers. This study aims to examine the direct effects of event participants’ attitude of sport importance, event attraction, event familiarity on the event attachment in a title sponsorship context. Theoretical foundation is solely adopted from the Psychological Continuum Model (PCM), consisting of awareness, attraction, attachment, and allegiance in sequence. We also extended the examination to test the mediating effect of event attachment between the three antecedents and event loyalty and purchase intension of the sponsoring brand. Methods: Questionnaires were distributed to the participants of “2013 BaGua Mountain Merida Cup & Bicycle Festival.” This event provided a well survey field for collecting the targeted samples of title-sponsored event as the event sponsor and organizer - Merida- has been yearly engaged in the event of this famous scenic since 2000. A total of 251 valid questionnaires were obtained for testing the hypotheses. We employed a SEM - the Partial Least Square (PLS) procedure with Smart-PLS 2.0 to analyze the data. Results: The results indicated that the participants’ attitude of sport importance, event attraction, event familiarity have a positive effect on emotional attachment which consequently mediates the effects of the antecedents on event loyalty and purchase intention of the sponsoring brands. In addition, event attachment completely mediates the effect of participants’ attitude of sport importance on event loyalty. Conclusion: The implications of this study offered managerial insights for both companies which hold title-sponsored event for brand marketing, and local governments when initiate destination marketing.
起訖頁 399-416
關鍵詞 心理連續模型情感依附自行車psychological continuum modelemotional attachmentbicycle
刊名 體育學報
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
期數 201512 (48:4期)
DOI 10.3966/102472972015124804003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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